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🏋️➡️🗓️How to Find and Start an Individual Workout
🏋️➡️🗓️How to Find and Start an Individual Workout

Want to try a single workout? It's pretty easy...

Stacey Quick avatar
Written by Stacey Quick
Updated over a week ago

🖥️ On desktop: Click on the 'Workouts' tab on the left side of the page. Then, you'll be presented with three categories (Training Plans, Challenges, Individual Workouts); click 'Individual Workouts'. You'll now find some Stretching Routines, Workouts, and Extra-Credit mini workouts with your filters already applied from your account set up; by all means, adjust them to view more workouts. To see more, click 'See all' on the right side of the page.

Click a workout's image to display additional information about each routine.

When ready, select the day you'd like to train and then click 'Confirm'.

Head over to the Training Plan page to find your new workout ready and waiting for you.

📱 On cell phone/tablet: Tap 'More' on the bottom right of the screen. Then tap on the 'Workouts' tab to bring up the next screen. You'll then be presented with three categories (Training Plans, Challenges, Individual Workouts); tap 'Individual Workouts'. You'll now find some Stretching Routines, Workouts, and Extra-Credit mini workouts with your filters already applied from your account set up; by all means, adjust them to view more workouts. To see more, tap 'See all' on the right side of the page.

Tap a workout's image to display additional information about each routine.

When ready, select the day you'd like to train and then click 'Confirm'.

Head over to the Training Plan page to find your new workout ready and waiting for you.

Now go and work out!

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